Monday, September 6, 2010

Changes are coming...

I've decided to try losing some weight again. I tried before but after a few months of no luck I gave up. So this time I'm going to try harder. No pop and very very very little sweets. I have quite a large sweet tooth and think it's in that where my problem really lies. I'm going to try harder to bring Jinx on more walks. I don't have a lot of free time lately but I still have some, and that time should be going to spending time with her. I also think I may invest in a bike. I haven't ridden one really in quite a long time. But I think if I actually owned one, I may use it more often. We'll see.

My Credo

Per an assignment for English class, here is a copy of my credo. Still a little rough around the edges, but I like it. :)

I believe in you and your conscious effort to become a better you. Your ideas of how to change yourself to fit that image of whom you want to be, now and in the future. In your capability to reach for a dream and finally grasp hold of it just before you’re ready to give up.
I believe in your right to make mistakes and to learn from them, even pass them on to others whom may fall upon that same mistake. Your decisions to agree or disagree with those around you, while still keeping one foot in their shoes. In your integrity that you may or may not show to others, but is always there none-the-less.
I believe in the tiny things that distinguish you as a person, as an individual. Your smile, or even your frown, that could affect an entire group of people. In your capacity to love, deeply and unconditionally, the people of your own choosing.
I believe in your understanding of how the world keeps turning, day in and day out. Your images of what tomorrow may bring. In your inner battles to make it through today in order for a better tomorrow.
I believe in who you once were, who you are now, and who you may become in the future.